To Server or not to Server: is that the question?

Alex will describe a “dystopian” world in which servers are not managed by Dev(Ops) anymore, where infrastructure provisioning is an old fairy tale, and where the Clouds dominate IT. This brave new world is being called “Serverless” and it already spans every public Cloud - with PAYG services such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions & Logic Apps, Google Cloud Functions & Firebase, etc. - and plenty of open-source projects such as Apache OpenWhisk, the Serverless Framework, OpenFaaS, etc. Alex will highlight pros and cons of such serverless architectures, focusing on the many open-source initiatives and the Dev(Ops) perspective.
track icon Cloud/IoT
duration icon 45 min
language icon English
level icon All


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What is LinuxLab?

LinuxLab - how to build the Cloud - is the conference on Linux, kernel, embedded, cloud, containers, virtualization technologies and open source. LinuxLab is organized by Develer, the company who launched events like Better Software, Better Embedded, QtDay, PyCon and EuroPython.

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Talk slides

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