OVH presents: vRack Discovery - a private interconnection for infrastructures worldwide

The vRack (virtual rack), a multi-service and multi-datacenter technology, enables infrastructures to be connected, isolated or spread across one or multiple private secure networks. It allows the isolation of critical servers up to 4000 private VLANs. Data is secure and communication between servers is not routed via the public network. This Lab covers the set-up and configuration of this technology and its options on Dedicated Servers, Private Cloud and Public Cloud solutions, with a look on how to automate the process in order to build an Hybrid Cloud infrastructure.
track icon Trainings
duration icon 120 min
language icon Italiano
level icon All


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What is LinuxLab?

LinuxLab - how to build the Cloud - is the conference on Linux, kernel, embedded, cloud, containers, virtualization technologies and open source. LinuxLab is organized by Develer, the company who launched events like Better Software, Better Embedded, QtDay, PyCon and EuroPython.

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Talk slides

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