Riccardo Tommasini

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Riccardo Tommasini

PhD student @ Politecnico di Milano
Riccardo Tommasini is a PhD student at Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of the Politecnico di Milano since November 2015. His research interests comprise stream processing, deductive reasoning and the combination of the two (i.e. Stream Reasoning) Riccardo major research focuses on investigating how to realise an Efficient yet Expressive approach combing complex event processing, temporal logics and graph stream processing. From late 2014 to April 2015 he worked on his master thesis on RDF Stream Processor benchmarking. From May 2015 to Novembre 2015 he was a visiting researcher at Kno.e.sis centre at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, working on semantic technologies for real-time monitoring of patients with asthma; here he also participated to the BigData Tutorial with practical classes on Esper and C-SPARQL. From July to September 2016 he was visiting the iMec IBCN labs at University of Gent, Belgium, working on combining reasoning and logic programming. He also participated as a teaching assistant at Politecnico di Milano for the courses: Interoperability and Semantic Web Technologies (2015-2016) and Principles of Programming Languages (2016-2017).


2017 Realising Linked Containers
Containers lifecycle, i.e. design, build and deploy, is decorated with  tons of metadata. This data are commonly used to organise your architecture as by orchestration systems; Moreover, container security leverage on this data to cross check your images and alert if something does not go as expected. Semantic Data Management can help to this extents. Technologies like RDF and SPARQL can be used to query, modify and understand this metadata. They naturally foster interoperability between different technologies and support the transparency of the aforementioned processes.